2021年4月5日 星期一


l   Vital signsBP:162/ 108 mmHg, BT:37 °C, PR:100 /min, RR:18 /min, SpO2:100 %, Pain score: 0/10                 

l   Generalchronic ill-looking | (Description of findings)

l   Consciousness

-          alert and clear (to person, time and place. GCS: E4M6V5 

l   HEENT (head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat)

-          no head deformity,

-          pink conjunctivae, anicteric sclera

-          isocoric pupil (R/L): 3mm/3mm, prompt light reflex (R/L): positive/positive

-          ear: normal appearance

-          throat: no injection, no ulcers, no pus

l   NECK

-          supple, no Brudzinski's sign, no Kernig's sign,

-          no carotid bruit

-          normal estimate CVP (< 3+5cm), no jugular vein engorgement, no absent A wave (AF), no giant A wave (TS, PHT), no cannon A wave (AV dissociation), no large V wave (TR), no slowly Y wave (TS), no hepato-jugular reflux (HF), no Kussmal's sign (Constrictive pericarditis, HF)

-          no palpable lymph nodes, no palpable thyroid gland

-          no difficult airway (3-3-2)


-          Inspection: symmetric expansion, no visible chest deformity, no scar, no use of accessory respiratory muscle, no spider angiomata

-          Palpation: no increased tactil fremitus 

-          Percussion: bilateral resonant, no hyperresonance, no dullness, normal cardiac silhouette on percussion                

-          Auscultation: bilateral symmetric clear breath sound, no crackles, no wheezing, no rhonchi, no rales, no bronchophony, no egophony

l   HEART:                                   

-          Inspection: no visible PMI, parasternal lift, dyskinesis and aneurysm

-          Palpation: PMI over left 4th intercostal space and medial to the mid-clavicular line, no RV heave (volume load / pressure load), no left 2nd interspace lift (pulmonary: PHT), no right 2nd interspace lift (aortic: HTN), no epigastric area lift (RV in hyperinflated lungs), no thrills (Gr. 4+ murmurs) over 4 vulvular area, no ectopic heave or thrill

-          Percussion: normal cardiac silhouette on percussion            

-          Auscultation: regular heart beat, normal S1 and S2, no S1 decreasement, no pathological S2 splitting, no S3, no S4, no gallop, no audible murmur no extra systolic/diastolic sounds (Ejection sound (AS), Mid-systolic click (MVP), Opening snap (MS, TS)), no audible murmurs / abnormal heart sounds on squatting, valsalva / standing, inspiration maneuvers

l   ABDOMEN:                                  

-          Inspection: flat, no scar, no umbilical hernia, no engorged superficial vein, no caput medusae, no Cullen's sign, no Grey-Turner's sign

-          Auscultation: normoactive bowel sound, no bruits

-          Palpation: soft, no tenderness, no muscle guarding, no rebound tenderness, no Murphy`s sign, no McBurney's point tenderness, no Psoas' sign, no Obturator's sign, impalpable liver and spleen, no palpable mass

-          Percussion: no tympany, no shifting dullness, no percussion wave, no succussion splash,                  

-          liver span: normal span at right mid-clavicular line

l   BACK

-          no CV angles knocking tenderness

-          no kyphosis, no scoliosis

-          negative straight leg raising test


-          freely movable, no deformity, no peripheral cyanosis, no clubbing finger, no palmar erythema, no pitting edema

-          radial pulsation: normal pulse rate, regular rhythm, no pulsus alternans(HF), no pulsus parvus et tardus (AS), no pulsus paradoxus (Pericardial tamponade, Constric pericarditis), no pulsus bisferiens (HOCUM), nobounding pulse (Chronic AR), no bigeninal (Premature beats), no dicrotic (Cardiomegaly), no filiform (Shock)                    

l   LYMPH NODES:                                

-          no neck, no axillary, no epitrochlear, no inguinal, no popliteal LAP

l   DIGITAL RECTAL EXAMINATION:                         

-          no skin tag, no visible hemorroid, no anal fissure, no perianal abscess, no anal fistula, tight anal tone, smooth rectal wall, no induration, no rectal shelf, no tenderness

-          brownish color stool over glove   

-          prostate (indicated in male patient): egg-sized, no enlargement, elastic character, normal sulcus, no palpable mass, no tenderness   

l   Integument: normal skin turgor, no cyanosis, no skin rash           

2021年3月2日 星期二


Serum markers of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) 

※※ 今天跟老師討論病人發現有PIVKA-II這個marker,所以整理一下。

甲型胎兒蛋白 (Alpha-fetoprotein, AFP)

  • 最常用的血清指標,妊娠時期胎兒的肝臟和卵黃囊產生的一種醣蛋白,但是部分HCC會分泌,故可以拿來使用。
  • 正常值:< 20 ng/ml
  • 半衰期:5-7天
  • 診斷HCC:sensitivity ~60%、specificity ~80%
    • 濃度越高,specificity會越高、但是sensitivity會越低:例如本身是HCC高風險的人,今天若AFP>400ng/ml,診斷HCC的specificity 會 >95%;但是臨床上不到1/5的病人會高過400ng/ml
  • 其他AFP會升高卻不是HCC的狀況:
    • 慢性肝炎:acute or chronic viral hepatitis
      • 一篇研究收錄 357 chronic or acute HCV的病人 => 23% 病人 AFP >10 ng/mL, AFP範圍0.3 ~ 241 ng/mL,AFP上升和第三四期的肝纖維化stage 3 or 4 fibrosis、INR延長者、AST/ALT上升者有關
        Am J Gastroenterol. 2004;99(5):860. 
    • 懷孕婦女
    • 性腺來源的腫瘤(包括生殖細胞、非生殖細胞)、多種惡性腫瘤尤其是胃癌

  • 臨床角色和應用:
    • 隨著影像學的進步,已經不再是診斷上的標準,從很多臨床上的指引拿掉了;如果HCC診斷之初濃度有高,可以當作後續追蹤治療反應或是惡化之用。
    • 肝臟移植捐贈者評估,如果AFP level >1000 ng/mL可能排除之(standardized MELD exception)
    • AFP濃度通常在晚期肝細胞癌比早期肝細胞癌要高,但是濃度高低和臨床表現嚴重度沒有很好的相關。

(Protein Induced by Vitamin K Absence or Antagonist-II, PIVKA-II)(des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin, DCP)

  • 在Vit-K或是HCC導致的凝血功能異常,會產生一種異常的凝血酶原,叫做PIVKA-II或DCP,正常人體內不會有
  • 正常值:台大抓 10~31 ng/ml
  • 半衰期:40-72小時
  • 診斷原發性HCC:sensitivity ~60%、specificity ~80%
  • 臨床角色和應用:
    (Yu et al. BMC Cancer (2017) 17:608 DOI 10.1186/s12885-017-3609-6)
    • Vit-K沒有缺乏下,如果PIVKA-II上升,要懷疑有肝病或HCC
    • 由PIVKA-II診斷的 1016 位HCC患者
      • 88.7% 是原發性肝癌,其中6成左右是晚期肝癌
      • PIVKA-II在晚期肝癌濃度比較高(平均4650.0 mAU/ml, 範圍667.0–33,438.0 mAU/ml) ,相比早期肝癌濃度 (平均104.5 mAU/ml, 範圍61.0–348.8 mAU/ml),兩者 P < 0.001
      • 12.3%是復發性肝癌,在復發組濃度比進步組高(P < 0.001)
      • 但注意還是有 1054 PIVKA-II 陽性卻沒有HCC
        • cirrhosis (46.3%), hepatitis (20.6%), benign nodules (15.3%).
    • 在高風險者若是濃度上升,兩年內會發展成HCC
    • 目前會建議合併PIVKA-II和AFP來診斷原發性肝癌,Sensitivity高於單獨使用PIVKA-II或AFP,但specificity並無顯著差異。
  • 自費費用:$1200~1500
  • 健保適應症:
    • 1.肝硬化之慢性肝炎(含酒精性肝硬化),並符合下列條件之一:
      • (1)肝組織切片Metavir F4或Ishak F5以上,另血友病病人及類血友病病人經照會消化系專科醫師同意後,得不作切片。
      • (2)超音波診斷為肝硬化併食道或胃靜脈曲張,或肝硬化併脾腫大
      • (3)電腦斷層或磁振造影檢查診斷為肝硬化
    • 2.肝癌接受根除治療之病人
    • 使用健保碼執行頻率:每年兩次
    • 依據健保署2020-06-30公告(健保醫字第1090033536號)

Lens culinaris agglutinin-reactive AFP (AFP-L3) 

  • 後續發現AFP和凝集素 LCA (Lens culinaris agglutinin)的親合力不同,可以將其分出L1、L2、L3,L1和LCA親合力最弱,產生於慢性肝炎和肝硬化的的肝臟;L2和LCA親合力次之,多和生殖細胞腫瘤和懷孕有關;L3和LCA結合力最好,和HCC有關。
  • 診斷HCC : sen 56%, spe >95%
  • 臨床應用:

Glypican-3 (GPC3)

  • 一種細胞膜上的硫酸肝素蛋白多醣(heparan sulfate proteoglycan, HSPG)
  • highly expressed in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
  • 臨床應用:目前多為研究治療相關的target之一


血漿小RNA片段 (microRNAs)

  • MicroRNA panel:  miR-122, miR-192, miR-21, miR-223, miR-26a, and miR-801 可以準確地偵測有各stage HCC的病人
  • 準確的區分HCC患者、健康人、慢性B肝、肝硬化
  • 臨床運用:study


  1. 師長所述
  2. Yu et al. BMC Cancer (2017) 17:608 DOI 10.1186/s12885-017-3609-6.  Effectiveness of PIVKA-II in the detection of hepatocellular carcinoma based on real-world clinical data.
    Clinical features and diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma

#HCC #Tumor marker #PIVAK-II #AFP

2013年10月30日 星期三


今天也太衰了,辛辛苦苦從租屋處回家卻又遇到父親大人出去喝酒,等他浪嗆的走回家裡,已經開始茫茫,但是卻在那邊拍肚子,坐在沙發上跟我示意不舒服,ill-looking appearance,不一會兒便開始吐了滿地,連沙發也難以倖免。身為一個醫學生的我馬上想要解決狀況,該怎麼停止嘔吐不舒服的感覺?之後又想到為什麼會嘔吐?

http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh22-1/54-60.pdf (以下文字和表格皆從這篇文章擷取和理解)

一場大量飲酒後那些很討厭的症狀我們稱為酒精宿醉 (Alcohol hangover),這些症狀可以稍加以分類:
※翻譯作宿醉是因為英文名詞 hangover之因,不一定代表隔天起來的症狀

基本上宿醉的發生時間大概在豪飲的幾小時之後,此時血中的酒精濃度 (blood alcohol concentration, BAC) 開始往下掉,當BAC掉到 0 的時候症狀會達到頂點peak,這些症狀會持續到24小時
有些人會有宿醉症狀伴隨輕微的酒精戒斷(alcohol withdrawal, AW症狀,所以有人誤會宿醉就是輕微的戒斷症候群,其實不然,兩者有頗多差異:產生症狀的條件、持續時間長短、幻覺的有無





Acetaldehyde是化學活性物質,會和蛋白質相鍵結,如果在血中濃度過高會導致中毒,產生rapid pulse, sweating, skin flushing, nausea, and vomiting

  • 有很多民間謠言可以預防宿醉、縮短症狀時間、降低嚴重度,但是大部分缺少嚴密的實驗。
    • Consumption of fruits, fruit juices, or other fructose-containing foods 水果據說可以降低
    • bland foods containing complex carbohydrates, such as toast or crackers, can counter low blood sugar levels in people subject to hypoglycemia and can possibly relieve nausea 碳水化合物的食物可以減少低血糖狀況也可以減緩嘔吐
    • adequate sleep may ease the fatigue associated with sleep deprivation 充足的睡眠可以減輕倦怠感
    • drinking nonalcoholic beverages during and after alcohol consumption may reduce alcohol-induced dehydration 喝非酒精飲料在豪飲之中或之後比較不會脫水
  • 下列是影響的要素
    • 時間是最重要的因素,通常宿醉會在8-24小時內減弱
    • 喝酒的質和量
    • 酒的種類成分:含少量同種物(ongeners)的酒譬如pure ethanol, vodka, and gin 比 含多量同種物的酒譬如brandy, whiskey, and red wine 還不會產生宿醉
  • 保守治療(Conservative management)可以提供最好的病程,有些減輕症狀的藥物可以使用
    • antacids may alleviate nausea and gastritis 制酸劑可以減緩嘔吐和胃炎
    • Aspirin (NSAID) may reduce the headache and muscle aches associated with a hangover 阿斯匹林可以減輕頭痛和肌肉痠痛但是要小心使用,因為NASID類藥物本身有造成胃炎的可能,所以有上腹痛的人使用上可能加重酒精導致的胃炎
      ※ 酒精代謝物會加強普拿疼(Acetaminophen)對肝臟的毒性
    • ※ Propranolol ( beta-adrenergic antagonist)常常用來治療戒斷症候群的高血壓和偏頭痛,但是(Bogin et al. 1987)實驗說它並不會減輕宿醉的頭痛症狀
    • ondansetron and tropisetron (Antagonists at the serotonin-3 receptor) 止吐藥物和阻斷某些酒精效果,但在有些clinical trial說對於減緩宿醉沒有效果
    • “very strong coffee proved of infinite benefit” (Spenser 1913). 喝咖啡解除疲勞和倦怠感,但是缺少實驗證明
    • 英文諺語有所謂的 hair of the dog that bit you (會咬人的狗毛),表示藉由飲用酒精飲料來舒緩宿醉症狀。這種做法在宿醉病人身上應該避免,只會繼續增加酒精的毒性造成症狀。

# Alcohol hangover #Drinking #Nausea and vomiting